Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 26, 2031

Wow! The world is so vast and filled with such a variety of amazing things. I’ve traveled across the country and have seen so many great places and met so many good people. Never would I have imagined all that I have accomplished and witnessed in my thirty-six years.
            After working at a medical center/daycare in Peru this last summer, returning home to my cozy little cabin and family again fills me with happiness. All my precious nieces and nephews have grown into outstanding kids! Neither of my brothers are very amused with my spoiling of their kids, but that’s what all great aunts do.J
I really didn’t realize how long I’ve been gone until I saw all the kids grown up, parents gray, and town expanded. Everything has changed here while I was gone pursuing the career I love. Mom and the rest of the family really don’t want me to leave again for Kenya, but I’m determined to go. Another medical position has opened there and the people are in rough shape. I leave in two weeks.


  1. Carly Cakes,
    I love this!!! It's really great and creative! (I can't believe you didn't mention me, though :P!)
    Your posts are improving :)! I loved this one!
