Friday, September 2, 2011

10 Things That Make Me Happy:)

1. Family: My family is so awesome. They're always there, whether it be to encourage, motivate, or just to laugh with. I wouldn't trade my family for anything.
2. Water: Swimming, snorkeling, tubing, boating,...the list could go on forever! There's so many fun activities in water. 
3. Smoothies: This drink must be man's finiest creation. I'd seriously drink a smoothie for every meal if i could. My favorite flavor is Wild Berry at the Crazy Bean.  
4. Friends: Life is so much fuller with friends. With true friends, it doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing, I have a good time just because they're there.
5. Running and hiking: I've always been able to "restore my soul" while I'm doing one of these. They relax and calm me. Whenever I'm having a horrible day I'll just go outside and run around.
6. Little kids: It doesn't matter what age or personality, little kids can make anyone smile. They do the funniest things! Little kids are so cute and innocent.
7. Puppies: Its no wonder why dogs are man's best friends. They are by far the most amazing pets. Puppies are so playful, loving, and loyal.
8. Food: I'm so glad there is food. I love sampling a variety of dishes from different cultures and areas. Each is so unique.
9. Others: I really like to make other people's day better. Its a good feeling when you know you made someone else happy.
10. Traveling: Traveling and trying new things makes me happy. I never want to live the same day twice; I like to see new places, do new things, meet new people, and just get out of my comfort zone. Experiences help create what kind of person you are.


  1. Wonderful list, Carly - I would have to say that many on your list are on mine as well :) Nicely done.
