Friday, September 9, 2011

..::Live Your Best Life::..

            “Live like there is no tomorrow, but act as though you will live forever.” I do not remember where I first heard this quote, but it definitely has had a substantial impact on my life. Whoever is the author of it had life figured out; they knew how to live life to the fullest.
            My interpretation of this quote is take chances and enjoy every moment of life, but make sure you’ll be able to live with yourself at the end of the day. No one can redo life; each moment that passes is unchangeable, so don’t waste any of them. This is your only chance to impact the world! Life is way too short to just sit and watch, so greet every day, whether good or bad, with enthusiasm, passion, and joy. Don’t wait until it’s too late.  
Over time, this quote has become a motto of mine. Because of it, I’ve strived to take advantage of every opportunity and meet adversity with a smile. To me living a fulfilling life doesn’t only come from the activities I do; it comes from the person I become. I strive to develop my full potential in everything I do and am, especially as a person and friend. This quote has helped me become a better person; it reminds me to let go of the past, live in the present, and plan for the future.


  1. Carly Cakes,
    I love this! I can totally see you in it!
    Great job! :D.

  2. Nice work, Carly. Your quote derived from a Ghandi quote, by the way :)
