Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 26, 2031

Wow! The world is so vast and filled with such a variety of amazing things. I’ve traveled across the country and have seen so many great places and met so many good people. Never would I have imagined all that I have accomplished and witnessed in my thirty-six years.
            After working at a medical center/daycare in Peru this last summer, returning home to my cozy little cabin and family again fills me with happiness. All my precious nieces and nephews have grown into outstanding kids! Neither of my brothers are very amused with my spoiling of their kids, but that’s what all great aunts do.J
I really didn’t realize how long I’ve been gone until I saw all the kids grown up, parents gray, and town expanded. Everything has changed here while I was gone pursuing the career I love. Mom and the rest of the family really don’t want me to leave again for Kenya, but I’m determined to go. Another medical position has opened there and the people are in rough shape. I leave in two weeks.

Monday, September 26, 2011

A River Runs Through It Movie Review

Robert Redford did an excellent job creating the film A River Runs Through It. Even though the film is quite a bit difference from Maclean’s original story, Redford transforms the novella into a great film. He adds helpful background information, captivating action, and tops it off with perfect cinematography.
            Information about Norman Maclean’s life not present in the book is in Redford’s film. This is very helpful for the viewers to understand what and why some of the events took place. For example, Redford adds detail’s of Norman’s education and career that weren’t mentioned in the novella. This way people could understand where Norman came from and why he acted the way he did.
            More action and drama are also added to the story in the film. This keeps the viewers interest while watching the film. One example is Norman and Jessie’s relationship; in the book, Norman and Jessie are married but in the movie they have just met and are dating. Also, there were scenes such as the Maclean brothers riding down a massive waterfall in a wooden row boat that makes the film more exciting.
            Most every scene in the film was perfect. Redford did a wonderful job of producing the feeling of the story and determining which scenes to use. He knew just what to cut and what to add to Maclean’s novella, so that the movie would be good while keeping the story and lessons strait.
            Overall Redford did a great job constructing A River Runs Through It. Unlike most books produced into movies, this film was just as good as the book. I give it two thumbs up.

Friday, September 16, 2011

*Quote of the Week*

“A river, though, has so many things to say that it is hard to know what it says to each of us.”
            ~Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It

Life has so many paths to travel, advice to follow, and choices to make that soon it is easy to become confused with what we are actually meant to do. The world seems to call each of us to fulfill a unique role, but it is hard to hear our entire calling at times. Background noise can distract and get us off course or we sometimes mishear and end up trying to play someone else’s role. It is important to stop, listen, and find what our unique purpose is.

Friday, September 9, 2011

..::Live Your Best Life::..

            “Live like there is no tomorrow, but act as though you will live forever.” I do not remember where I first heard this quote, but it definitely has had a substantial impact on my life. Whoever is the author of it had life figured out; they knew how to live life to the fullest.
            My interpretation of this quote is take chances and enjoy every moment of life, but make sure you’ll be able to live with yourself at the end of the day. No one can redo life; each moment that passes is unchangeable, so don’t waste any of them. This is your only chance to impact the world! Life is way too short to just sit and watch, so greet every day, whether good or bad, with enthusiasm, passion, and joy. Don’t wait until it’s too late.  
Over time, this quote has become a motto of mine. Because of it, I’ve strived to take advantage of every opportunity and meet adversity with a smile. To me living a fulfilling life doesn’t only come from the activities I do; it comes from the person I become. I strive to develop my full potential in everything I do and am, especially as a person and friend. This quote has helped me become a better person; it reminds me to let go of the past, live in the present, and plan for the future.

Friday, September 2, 2011

10 Things That Make Me Happy:)

1. Family: My family is so awesome. They're always there, whether it be to encourage, motivate, or just to laugh with. I wouldn't trade my family for anything.
2. Water: Swimming, snorkeling, tubing, boating,...the list could go on forever! There's so many fun activities in water. 
3. Smoothies: This drink must be man's finiest creation. I'd seriously drink a smoothie for every meal if i could. My favorite flavor is Wild Berry at the Crazy Bean.  
4. Friends: Life is so much fuller with friends. With true friends, it doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing, I have a good time just because they're there.
5. Running and hiking: I've always been able to "restore my soul" while I'm doing one of these. They relax and calm me. Whenever I'm having a horrible day I'll just go outside and run around.
6. Little kids: It doesn't matter what age or personality, little kids can make anyone smile. They do the funniest things! Little kids are so cute and innocent.
7. Puppies: Its no wonder why dogs are man's best friends. They are by far the most amazing pets. Puppies are so playful, loving, and loyal.
8. Food: I'm so glad there is food. I love sampling a variety of dishes from different cultures and areas. Each is so unique.
9. Others: I really like to make other people's day better. Its a good feeling when you know you made someone else happy.
10. Traveling: Traveling and trying new things makes me happy. I never want to live the same day twice; I like to see new places, do new things, meet new people, and just get out of my comfort zone. Experiences help create what kind of person you are.