Thursday, November 17, 2011

Whenever I’m down and out
I give my girl a shout
She’s fun and kind and smiley
Of her I think highly

Always there to lift me up
Constant in filling my cup
Of all people she’s the one I admire
And she never ceases to inspire

Everyone looks to her
When everything seems a blur
Strong and brave
We know she will never cave

A beast on the court
She knows how to hold down the fort
A student in the school
She’s clearly a jewel

Gorgeous, bubbly, and pretty
Even a bit witty
This girl has it all
And never lets her friends fall

Loved by everyone
She shines like the sun
What would the world be without Keri?
To tell you the truth, it’d be a little scary

Friday, November 11, 2011


…home of snow-capped mountains, tropical rainforests, giant sand dunes, and massive volcanoes.  A land of great diversity and adventure…

…ancient ruins, exotic animals, friendly people…

…no place can compare. This place is paradise. 


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Stories Untold

Differences, conflict, war
Rots through a being’s core.
No understanding turns to hate
Where suffering and pain await.

Covetousness, intolerance, greed
Ignores as peace pleads.
Men’s hunger for more
Leaves the world tore.

Hurt, agony, tears
The suffering has no cures.
Memories and images engraved
Until innocent minds have caved.

Violate, beat, maul
Man’s greed affects us all.
Children’s eyes behold
A story of pain untold.

Slay, butcher, slaughter
One massacre leads to another.
Hatred turns to genocide
What does war prove? You decide.