Thursday, October 27, 2011

SGCHS Journal

SGCHS Studnents Enjoy Outstanding Performance

Shakespeare in the Schools came to Sweet Grass County High School this week on Monday October 24.  They put on an outstanding show.  Costumes, prompts, and characters were all wonderful.  As You Like It was the Shakespeare play performed by this group and it turned out to be ideal for this school; it left the whole auditorium laughing, gasping, and craving more.  When asked about their feelings on the play, one SGHS student replied without pause, “I loved it. It was funny and the acting was phenomenal.”
Shakespeare in the Schools performing As You Like It
            Following the stupendous performance, the actors gave advice about acting and taught the students about various areas of performing.  Many students participated in the workshops put on by the Shakespeare in the Schools group.  Language, friends, banishment, and stage combat were the four different workshops taught.  In the short time frame they had to teach, their students made progress and had a blast doing so.  
            By the end of the day all who had come had a better appreciation for Shakespeare, acting, and plays.  It is obvious this event was very beneficial for SGCHS’s students.  Sweet Grass County High School appreciates the time and energy Shakespeare in the Schools put into the performance on Monday.  Thank you, Shakespeare in the Schools, for coming to Big Timber!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Battle of the Brain

Johnny, Jazzy, Jezey, Jake, and little Jessie battle with no cease; each screams at the top of his/her lungs trying to drown out the others with no success.  This group stuck together makes for a strange combination.  First there is Johnny, the brains and usually leader of the outfit.  This girl is always there to make situations better, solve problems, and decide which route to take.  Whenever the group is unsure about something they turn to Johnny.  Next is Jazzy; she runs around with a flashy grin and sparkling eyes.  She’s creative, artistic, loud, and ready to have a great time; Jazzy is the soul and spunk of the group.  The third member is Jazzy’s evil twin, Jezey.  She’s the complete opposite of her sister. Jezey is hateful, critical, and degrading.  No one wants to be around her, because she is constantly putting herself down and pulling others down with her. Nothing is ever good enough for Jezey and never has she uttered a kind or encouraging word.  It’s a good thing she doesn’t lead the group often; the day never goes well when she does.  Next is the muscle and jock of the unit, Jake. Jake is athletic, hardworking, competitive, and very reliable.  He always strives to better himself, the group, and the world.  Jake never settles for anything but his best and loves adventures.  Last but definitely not least is sweet, innocent, usually clueless Jessie.  As the baby of the group she doesn’t know much and is extremely shy, but the others protect and defend this girl from anything and everything threatening.  Jessie is always present and can be seen close to the other members of the outfit; she’s the heart that sustains the entire group.  All these different personalities combined together are definitely unique and kind of strange to say the least, but without each and every one of them the end result wouldn’t be complete.  It just wouldn’t be me.